We have many clients who have achieved success even during these tight times by enlisting the help of Libra Design and Media. One of our clients, Vegan Chic, was in need of getting the word out about their unique business and its concepts. We began by implementing a fresh, effective public relations campaign that has resulted in highly targeted, national print media exposure, as well as various online articles reaching Vegan Chic’s primary market. As the business grew, the campaign expanded to achieve even better results by adding a successful viral marketing campaign which set about further reaching their audiences through blog articles and postings.
The success Vegan Chic has achieved with our services has been phenomenal! A recent name change dropped their Google ranking to a PR2 but through blog postings achieved with a viral marketing campaign and online product reviews brought about by their public relations campaign, Vegan Chic is back up to aPR5 and climbing in just a few short months. Vegan Chic is near their goal of once again being #1 in Google searches helping potential customers find them quickly and easily. The continued success of articles and reviews of their products has even allowed Vegan Chic to cancel expensive pay-per-click advertising they were paying for without seeing a downturn in sales!
Libra Design and Media would be happy to discuss your business and marketing goals and how our services can help you achieve success. Please feel free to contact us at http://www.libradesignandmedia.com/contact.shtml to ask questions or for a no obligation quote.